All workshops/courses offered are created and lead by Jacinta V. White unless otherwise noted.
There are two types of online workshops/courses that I offer. One is the self-paced where you immediately have access to the material that comes with that course, including audio or video recordings, and you work at your own pace. The other is the group workshops where we all start and end on a particular date; and gather in virtual video space for conversation, sharing, and writing.
See what's offered for both, below.
The Life of Elegies A two-part live generative workshop exploring the history and usefulness of elegies today Meets virtually Sundays, July 12 & July 19, 2020 1:00-2:15 p.m. EST We are surrounded by loss of some type but how do we process it, mourn it, even celebrate and honor it? In this live virtual workshop we will explore the life of elegies as a poetic form in today's time. Though we won't spend our time trying to write, in this generative workshop, a traditional elegy, we will look at some along with contemporary ones. These poems will lead our discussion before we write and share our own. |
What are Poets For? The Saving Power of Poetry. A six-week live virtual workshop part poetry, part philosophy Meets virtually Thursdays, July 16-August 20 9:30-11:00 p.m. EST Register by July 12 Back by popular demand, this course examines the power of poetry for cultivating the intellectual, emotional, and practical capacities that are most needed in our current historical moment. Through reading poetry, writing poetry, and discussing the philosophy of poetry, we will deepen our connection to the mythopoetic forces that sustain us.
"Awakening Presence: Poetry As Spiritual Practice"
"Divine Poetic Feminine:
Bonus: Snapdragon Journal Members receive an additional 10% discount on some offerings!