"Black Friday" special the week of Nov. 21!
Becoming Undone: Unpacking Life's Weight
a fully online five-week program

Have you considered writing through your gray and stressful areas of life? I have done it and continue to do it. There's something about the writing process that helps us to see ourselves and our situation clearer and provides affirmation to moving forward, when done correctly.
That's what I'm here to help you do. Not just write and create but in a way that will help you get to a place where you can see your obstacles or stumbling blocks as the impetus for greater clarity, purpose, and joy as you begin to unpack life's unnecessary weight.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Am I carrying unnecessary stress and burdens?
- Do I feel stuck in a cycle?
- Am I ready to move forward in life but not sure how to take the first step?
- Do I long to hear my inner, authentic voice?
And, do you want to...
- Go through life with more clarity about you and your life's challenges?
- Learn how to better manage your stress?
- Feel better and have more joy?
- Tap into your creativity (even if you think you're not creative)?
- Become a better writer?
If you've answered yes, then this writing series is for you!
With this course, you will receive:
- Videos, poems, and written prompts to guide and inspire your writing,
- Self-care tips to help balance whatever emotions are coming up through your writings,
- An invitation to coaching with me at a discounted rate.
When we are burdened and weighed down by life's stresses, we cannot see clearer nor can we be effective in our daily life. Life becomes dull and loses its true meaning. We begin to feel empty and lost, wondering if this is all there is to life. We feel disconnected and full of dismay more than love and joy. Poetry, the language of beauty, has a way of making us write honestly. When we give ourselves the space and permission to freely write and explore our inner landscape, we can see the vistas for what they are. We become ambassadors of our own voice and our collective stories. This "becoming undone" does not break us, it makes us whole.
These sets of classes are designed to assist you in your self-discovery and healing that you may learn and use tools provided to see and make room for your true and beautiful self. Until we are each whole we are broken.

Here's an overview of what you will explore:
Week 1: "Naming Things"
What is it you are you carrying, exactly?
Week 2: "Balancing Act"
How are you balancing the weight of it all?
Week 3: "Letting Go"
What might you have to let go of in order to travel your world more freely?
Week 4: "Repacking"
Now that you've taken inventory and sorted through what to keep and what to let go of, what's going to challenge your new packing list?
Week 5: "New Ventures"
What's your new vision, dream, hope of where you go next, now that you can?