Quotes on Sacred Poetry
“All true poetry is religious poetry—all poems are prayers—but not in the sense of a belief in or worship of god or a supernatural power.” – Kevin Bezner
“Poem-making will help you deepen your connection with what is at the center of all your experiences, with your own center, with whatever name you give to universal mystery.” – John Fox
“Poetry is the voice of the soul, whispering, celebrating, signing even.” – Carolyn Forche
“Poetry comes out of silence and yearns for silence. Like man himself, it travels from one silence to another. It is like flight, like a circling over silence.” – Max Picard
“In writing poetry, all one’s attention is focused on some inner voice.” – Li-Yong Lee
Used with meditation, poetry writing can be a profoundly healing experience. – unknown
“Writing requires supreme patience, a giving in to process. The practitioner must discover satisfaction not so much in the end result, but in the act of doing. This requires faith, and all who have faith are really quite brave.” – Robert McDowell.
“All true poetry is religious poetry—all poems are prayers—but not in the sense of a belief in or worship of god or a supernatural power.” – Kevin Bezner
“Poem-making will help you deepen your connection with what is at the center of all your experiences, with your own center, with whatever name you give to universal mystery.” – John Fox
“Poetry is the voice of the soul, whispering, celebrating, signing even.” – Carolyn Forche
“Poetry comes out of silence and yearns for silence. Like man himself, it travels from one silence to another. It is like flight, like a circling over silence.” – Max Picard
“In writing poetry, all one’s attention is focused on some inner voice.” – Li-Yong Lee
Used with meditation, poetry writing can be a profoundly healing experience. – unknown
“Writing requires supreme patience, a giving in to process. The practitioner must discover satisfaction not so much in the end result, but in the act of doing. This requires faith, and all who have faith are really quite brave.” – Robert McDowell.