Feb. 1, 2020
Dear beautiful you,
Remember that time when you used to receive handwritten letters in the mail? How just seeing the envelopes would make you smile? Well, it still makes me smile to receive a card or letter from someone, and I want to bring that feeling to you throughout the year..
Not too long ago, someone I know who took a year hiatus to travel, emailed a set of friends asking if they would write her a letter. I was happy to be one of those she asked, and on a rainy Saturday morning, I made a cup of coffee, took out my best stationary and began my letter to her. It was one of the best feelings I had (and equally so when she wrote me back).
So, I want to do the same with you. Not be pen pals but to simply and thoughtfully write you a letter every month for a year. I want to use words to inspire, encourage, remind you of the beauty of connection. I want to remind myself of that, too. In our technology obsessed culture, I want to take us back to the art of personal letters.
Welcome to XO -- as a writer, my way of extending love to you through letter writing! (The Love Letter Library has something similar but for email. I thought having letters mailed would be a nice touch, And, there can't be too many sending love across the world, can there?) I'm glad you're here! Keep reading to learn more...
Who is this for? For you. For anyone. For anyone who would like a surprise -- something other than bills or bad news -- in their mailbox, without expecting anything in return (really!). For someone who may be alone, convalescing. For someone who is often on the go and forgets to take time to slow down and appreciate their own significance. For someone who is doing too much and needs a little reminder they are seen and enough.
How do you begin receiving letters every month for a year? You can receive your personal letter once a month, handwritten by me, by subscribing for free today! It's easy. Simply complete a brief form, which you will find here.
What will the letters consist? This is heart work for me, so there's no set formula. I imagine these non-romantic letters I write will be ones that encourage or praise or make an observation. A letter that wishes you well, that reminds you of our collective human goodness, that expresses sorrow and comfort when the world mourns. I won't know what's going on in your day-to-day life, so I won't congratulate you on your new job, or marriage, or express my condolences when a parent or child passes, but I will write letters that I hope will make you smile and feel someone is thinking of you.
Want to subscribe for someone else? Who doesn't love a gift? If there is someone who means a lot to you who you would like to receive letters, complete the form on their behalf. I will share, in their first letter, that the monthly love letter subscription is a gift from you!
What does it cost? There is no set cost. Instead, you may make a donation, in the amount of your choosing, which will be greatly appreciated! Whatever is raised will go towards buying a variety of stationary, envelopes, postage just for XO.. And, what's left will support our work here at The Word Project. Please know that your letters will be sent, with love, even if you choose not to make a donation.
I hope you will be one who will sign up to receive a monthly letter (and maybe a poem), written from my heart to yours! Oh, tell your friends, too!
P. S. Here's an interesting article in the Washington Post on the history of "XO" -- from it having religious significance to it being a way to sign letters as "blessings" or "hugs and kisses" to it now being a non-romantic way to express love.
Dear beautiful you,
Remember that time when you used to receive handwritten letters in the mail? How just seeing the envelopes would make you smile? Well, it still makes me smile to receive a card or letter from someone, and I want to bring that feeling to you throughout the year..
Not too long ago, someone I know who took a year hiatus to travel, emailed a set of friends asking if they would write her a letter. I was happy to be one of those she asked, and on a rainy Saturday morning, I made a cup of coffee, took out my best stationary and began my letter to her. It was one of the best feelings I had (and equally so when she wrote me back).
So, I want to do the same with you. Not be pen pals but to simply and thoughtfully write you a letter every month for a year. I want to use words to inspire, encourage, remind you of the beauty of connection. I want to remind myself of that, too. In our technology obsessed culture, I want to take us back to the art of personal letters.
Welcome to XO -- as a writer, my way of extending love to you through letter writing! (The Love Letter Library has something similar but for email. I thought having letters mailed would be a nice touch, And, there can't be too many sending love across the world, can there?) I'm glad you're here! Keep reading to learn more...
Who is this for? For you. For anyone. For anyone who would like a surprise -- something other than bills or bad news -- in their mailbox, without expecting anything in return (really!). For someone who may be alone, convalescing. For someone who is often on the go and forgets to take time to slow down and appreciate their own significance. For someone who is doing too much and needs a little reminder they are seen and enough.
How do you begin receiving letters every month for a year? You can receive your personal letter once a month, handwritten by me, by subscribing for free today! It's easy. Simply complete a brief form, which you will find here.
What will the letters consist? This is heart work for me, so there's no set formula. I imagine these non-romantic letters I write will be ones that encourage or praise or make an observation. A letter that wishes you well, that reminds you of our collective human goodness, that expresses sorrow and comfort when the world mourns. I won't know what's going on in your day-to-day life, so I won't congratulate you on your new job, or marriage, or express my condolences when a parent or child passes, but I will write letters that I hope will make you smile and feel someone is thinking of you.
Want to subscribe for someone else? Who doesn't love a gift? If there is someone who means a lot to you who you would like to receive letters, complete the form on their behalf. I will share, in their first letter, that the monthly love letter subscription is a gift from you!
What does it cost? There is no set cost. Instead, you may make a donation, in the amount of your choosing, which will be greatly appreciated! Whatever is raised will go towards buying a variety of stationary, envelopes, postage just for XO.. And, what's left will support our work here at The Word Project. Please know that your letters will be sent, with love, even if you choose not to make a donation.
I hope you will be one who will sign up to receive a monthly letter (and maybe a poem), written from my heart to yours! Oh, tell your friends, too!
P. S. Here's an interesting article in the Washington Post on the history of "XO" -- from it having religious significance to it being a way to sign letters as "blessings" or "hugs and kisses" to it now being a non-romantic way to express love.